Objects placed on the verge

At the last meeting of the Parish Council concern was expressed regarding items that have been planted or placed too close to the road at a number of properties in the village. The Parish Council would like to advise residents of the regulations regarding the verges.

The Highways Department have authority over land at the edge of the road and usually this covers at least the first six feet from the edge of the road, but can be more in some areas. They will not allow any items such as stones/pots or plants to be permanently placed in this area, as they can potentially be a hazard to road users. The verge should be left clear of obstructions as it could be needed by vehicles in an emergency. If homeowners place items in this area and an incident was to occur they would be personally liable.

The Highways Department have asked the Parish Council to inform everyone of the situation and request the removal of items completely or that they are moved back to an area beyond the first six feet from the road. If these items are not removed the Highways Department have asked us to inform them and this could result in action being taken against residents which we would obviously wish to avoid.

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