Mobile Post Office service
Hedgehogs R Us Highways Project
Hedgehog numbers are in decline, but with Hedgehog awareness on the rise now is a good time to be involved in hedgehog conservation. Linda Cook spent her lockdown developing this project, and full details may be found at
The site is packed with useful information, please have a look and see if you can do anything to help a hedgehog!
Marshland St James Cemetery
The cemetery is managed by the Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk.
Further information can be found at https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/info/20015/cemeteries_crematorium_and_bereavement
Or by contacting Mintlyn Crematorium on 01553 630533
Mobile Library Service
The mobile library service to Marshland St James visits on a Wednesday four-weekly in the afternoon. The new times (from 15:40 – 16:55) should provide an opportunity for children and families after school, for new users after work, and encourage new and different users.
Please click on the link below to see more information on the schedule: