Marshland St James Neighbourhood Plan

Our Neighbourhood Plan is a key planning document produced by the community which, when completed, will sit alongside the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council Local Plan (the Borough Plan). It will represent the views and aspirations of our community and can address local issues that are not covered by the Borough Plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan will give Marshland St James greater control over development, allowing us to influence the type, size and location of development in the village; sitting alongside the Borough’s Plan, its policies will be used to determine planning applications.

It will be in plan for approximately 15 years, so it’s important we get it right – for present and future generations.

Have your say on the future development of the village by completing a survey online at, scanning the QR code below or by picking up a hard copy from Marshland Hall.


Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous* and, should you choose to take part, your time is very much appreciated. Please encourage all members of your household to complete this questionnaire – we would like responses from those under 18 years of age as well as adults.

There are no right or wrong answers or opinions. Please answer the questions as well as you can. If you think something does not apply to you, please move on to the next question.

If you would like to find out more about development of the Neighbourhood Plan, or would like to get involved please contact Neil Watson, the Parish Clerk, by emailing or calling 01945 479185.

Thank you on behalf of Marshland St James Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

*By completing the survey, you consent to allowing your responses to be used by the Neighbourhood Planning project. All information will be stored securely on UK-based servers, compliant with GDPR rules.

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